Friday, October 17, 2014

Spring/ Summer 2014

We had a beautiful, gorgeous spring and summer. The spring was surprising not bad for the terrible long brutal winter we endured. We started some DIY projects..I have so wanted a backyard deck for the longest time and this year I was rewarded for my patience. We asked around for quotes and got some ridiculous prices..seriously? 10K for a few days of work?..anyways, we decided on DIY project, basic and simple. How naive we were...the project took all of 10 weeks as we had to undo and redo until my husband thought it was perfect. We celebrated Kimberly's 5th birthday on our deck. FINALLY!!. We had a kiddies party which started at 2:00 p.m where we all walked a few minutes to a small wading pool just behind our house. The weather couldn't be was a hot day and kids squealed and splashed water on one another, tagging and chasing each other while we moms sat beneath the shade of a nice big Willow tree and chatted. We came home to Dominos Pizza for the kids, spanakopita rolls, greek cheese rolls, I think it is called Tyrokopita and juice. We also had home made Guacamole with tortilla chips and hot cheese dip for the adults. For the adults, which included my childhood friends and cousins, we had Grilled lamb chops, Kababs, Tandoori Chicken (courtesy Lancy Pais) and Bean Salad. Anyways, the highlight was the Castle Cake I made for Kimberly's birthday. Recipe and pictures coming soon.

Yohann's 10th Birthday, we celebrated at 'The Ex'..It was Thursday, August 28th. This is a 3 week event that comes to Toronto every year and a must-do for Torontonians...lots of  fried food, rides, and shows. We watched the Wallenda Family tight-rope show which was AMAZING!. We sat and watched, not daring to breath or swallow lest the legendary Wallendas fall off...We watched the Dog Show too which was cute but uneventful. The kids loved it and took a lot of coaxing to finally leave...I had a throbbing headache and couldn't wait to get out..Fairs are not my thing, but we do these things for our kids and that is why precisely I am writing it here, so nobody forgets :-). On his actual birthday, we had a small dinner for family. I tried Greek ribs which was a completed flop. We had Peking Duck which was awesome.

Kyren's 13th birthday sadly was uneventful.. He did not want to do anything and we were very busy with our DIY deck project, that we were relieved..but my darling sisters did come home in the evening with presents and I think we ordered food in.

The highlights of summer was we did a 12 Km bike ride at the Don Valley Parkway. We parked at the Ontario Science Centre and rode upto Pottery road and back. Kimberly was being bike-carried (is that a word even?) by Keith and it was kind of strenous (which he does not admit to) as the DVP has some hills. We also went to Balsam Lake for camping this year with the group (my sisters, my cuzz, our friends). All in all it was a great summer. This is the year that we went out on date nights (prefer to call it fun nights). I am proud to put it in writing, I have wonderful and responsible kids. They encourage us to go out alone and they take care of Kim, reading her a bedtime story, tucking her into bed and staying by her bedside till she falls asleep.

Thanksgiving 2014, we went to Ottawa to celebrate the holiday with my cuzz and her family. My sisters and their families drove up too. It was beautiful as expected. Everyone talking at the same time and no one listening. We also left 10 kids at home unsupervised and went for drinks at Kelsey's.The neighbours did come and ask us to tone it down a bit...

As we head into Winter, I give thanks for my family, my friends and all the abundance of love that we have in our lives. If this is not blessings, what is?

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