Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Yohann's 2nd recital/ Kyren at Cory's bday

Yohann has started T-Ball..we go to the park every Tuesday to join in the game. On thursday,s he goes to practice. Summer is so hectic, it is like one big party..by the end of summer, i am secretly glad it's over and we can rest a bit...He is also learing the piano...recently we went to his recital..He was the youngest player. Being the youngest, he was to go first, and that made him nervous but did not stop him from playing his absolute best. we were so proud of him. Kim kept hollering 'Yoyaaan yoyannn der', so i had to take her out. since it was held in a librabry (the coxwell library is so fabulous. that should be the standard for all libraries..i wish..sigh)..they had a space for under 5 years complete with cute color coded keyboard and computers and loads of space for them to run around. kim had blast banging her lil fingers on the key board!!. I was half expecting someone to come up and say 'shhhhhhhh' but no, all we go is "so cute"..phew!!

Things have been hectic at home...kim automatically says no for everything (before you can even ask)..she'll just look at my face and say 'no'..she knows where the boys hide their candy..she'll help herself to some (esp the sour candy) and enjoy them. If they catch her, she'll just yell 'noooooooo' so loudly, that Keith or myself will tell the boys to back off before they have had a chance to explain the situation..

I am reading the 'clan of the cave bear'..i just love that series...kyren is so into reading too..we went to the library on Saturday and he picked up a bunch of mystery novels...He had gone for his freinds pool party on Yohann's recital day...Later in the evening, after the recital, when we went to pick him up i wished i was ten again..the boys (and a girl) had a blast..they had water guns fights, swimming competitions..of course ky was still learning but he's not the one to back out of something because he hasn't yet mastered the skill..so like his mommy ..ready to take on challenges..if she is not tired that is.

I finished my cake decorating course at which I had a blast. I had so much fun being creative. I made a hot pink cake with roses..it didn't come out the way i expected..but still..still hot :-)..i am smitten by this cake decorating bug..i've fallen hook line and sinker..i love it..let;s see for how long though..knowing me, i will fall in love with something else next week..and cake deco might just be yawn yawn zzzzzzzzz.

1 comment:

  1. I Love how you conveniently inserted the 'so like his mommy' bit! Oh Lols! I can always count on you to make me laugh! K, xx

    P.S. Did you make those roses???
